Reliability, quality, advanced technology and a solution for every need. The world of Framesi offers all this and more to those hairstylists who seek the key to success in professional coloring. Color is the most prestigious treatment and the one which generates the greatest level of client loyalty. It highlights the hairdresser’s creativity and is the easiest way to keep up with fashion. Framesi has made color its strong point. FRAMCOLOR 2001 permanent crème color for a natural effect 1:2 dilution with developer maximum coverage for grey hair warm colors long-lasting color soft shiny hair FRAMCOLOR FUTURA classic crème coloring 1:1 dilution total coverage for grey hair low ammonia content brilliant shades protection for the hair FRAMCOLOR GLAMOUR easy coloring, ready to use with Protective Coverage Technology 1:1 dilution pre-mixed shades direct coverage of grey hair with all shades protection for the hair and for color reduced ammonia content FRAMCOLOR ECLECTIC semi-permanent coloring with Capsulate Complex 1:2 dilution no ammonia
50% coverage of grey hair
short development time long lasting without color change FRAMCOLOR. ALL THE COLORS OF BEAUTY


framesi is dedicated to you, the professional. Our products have always been professional only and are sold exclusively to licensed hairdressers. framesi never sells its products to retail chains or discount beauty outlets. So when you use framesi, you know you are giving your clients the best that only you can give.